
sustainable maritime solutions

blue² shipmanagement intends to optimise various processes through its CO₂ management with the aim of positioning itself in the market as the most sustainable shipping company. blue² shipmanagement has set itself the goal of reducing CO₂ emissions per FTE by 20% by 2020 compared to the reference year 2014. This target has already been achieved in 2019 with a reduction of 49% in the meantime.
In order to ensure sustainability efficiently and in line with the latest developments and to be able to offer our business partners the highest level of quality, blue² shipmanagement has been working hand in hand with Swiss Climate AG since its foundation.

Goals of the climate strategy

Current measures

  • Reduce commuting by car

  • Switching to LED lamps

  • Carpooling

  • Use of recycled paper

  • Use of geothermal energy


    To compensate for CO₂ emissions, blue squared AG has been using biomass to protect the rainforests in Brazil for over 10 years.


    blue² shipmanagement is awarded the Swiss Climate CO₂ label for the 11th time this year.

    Adherence to the Poseidon Principles:

    The Poseidon Principles are in line with the policies and ambitions of the International Maritime Organisations, including their ambitions to achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions as soon as possible and to reduce total annual greenhouse gas emissions from shipping by 50% by 2050.


    We recognise the important roles that classification societies and other IMO-recognised organisations play in the industry. We are committed to the regulation of data collection and reporting of fuel oil consumption by ships.

    Assessment of climate adaptation

    We will activate climate adaptation annually with the Technical Guide for all business activities.


    We will require ongoing compliance with the Poseidon Principles in our new business activities using standardised contract clauses.


    We will publicly acknowledge that we are a signatory to the Poseidon Principles and we will publish the results of the Portfolio Climate Alignment.